Ilze Cant was born in 1978, Latvia. She has studied academic drawing and painting since 2001. She did study orthodox icons and sacral painting for 4 years in Latvian Christian Academy and figurative painting in Art Academy of Latvia she got Master Degree in 2008.
She started to paint after her eldest daughter was born in 2001, both of her daughters has played important role of her art journey. Her painting style has been changed over the years but she says: “I always have been fascinated by portraits, in the eyes of the human I see a whole new universe that opens to me through the painting/drawing process. I am inspired by beauty and nature in all its forms”.
From end of 2019 Ilze started new body of work exploring feminine nature on her ink-pen on paper art series "Lace Warrior" and "Fallen Angels" where she immerse herself into fine black lace drawings celebrating beauty. These series reflects on her teenage dream to be a fashion designer and love to work with drawing which was her first love in arts.
My dear pet dog Poppy and I in my art studio at Kinglake, Victoria, in August 2022.
- 2021 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, Monash, VIC
- 2021 Stylized Watercolours, online workshop by Nick Runge, Noh Wave Academy, USA
- 2021 Drypoint and Carborundum workshop by Barbie Kjar, The Baldessin Press&Studio, VIC
- 2021 Guest sketch with David Kassan, online workshop, Drawing America, USA
- 2016 - 2018 Interior Design Institute Australia, online education - Certificate in Interior Design; Certificate in Kitchen and Bathroom Design; Certificate in Commercial Design, Australia.
- 2008 Classical portrait painting workshop by Daniel E.Greene in Arcos de la Frontera, Spain, EU.
- 2005 – 2008 Master of Arts Degree in the Humanities from Art Academy of Latvia, LV, EU.
- 2007 Classical portrait painting workshop by Marvin Mattelson, NY School of Visual Arts, USA.
- 2004 – 2005 Bachelor of Arts Degree in the Humanities - Art Academy of Latvia, LV, EU.
- 2000 – 2004 Sacral Bible Art and Iconography - Christian Academy of Latvia, LV, EU.
- 1998 - 2000 Fashion Design College, Riga, LV, EU. AWARDS
- 2021 Member of NAVA (National Association for the Visual Arts)
- 2021 The 2021 pilot "Dindi Open Studios" funded by FRRR and supported by Kinglake Ranges Arts, Art Show and Neighborhood House.
- 2020 SEMI-FINALIST at The Lester Art Prize, Perth, Australia
- 2020 2nd place WINNER in Nature cathegory at Drummoyne Art Prize 2020, Sydney, Australia
- 2019 SEMI-FINALIST at The Lester Art Prize, Perth, Australia
- 2011 WINNER at J.Rozentals Art Award, Saldus, Latvia
- 2022 Publication about exhibition "Dreamer", newspaper Saldus Zeme, Issue 76 (9038), p.12
- 2021 Mountain Monthly, August issue, p.15-16.
- 2020 Art Edit Magazine, Q&A, Issue 25, p.114 \* 2020 Curatorial Volume 2, Leaders in Contemporary Art by “Capsules Book”, Melbourne, VIC
- 2020 “Overcoming Conflict” online interview by N.Joruk at “Beautiful Bizarre Magazine”, Issue 27. https://beautifulbizarre.net/2020/02/26/interview-with-ilze-cant/
- 2014 My solo show “Lucy”, interview by A.Rylco, Dec 17, 2014, p.3, Tweed Daily News, NSW.
- 2012 Video report about my community work “House of Kapeller’s in Saldus” by “Viss Notiek”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JITbBtPMr8 * 2011 “J.Rozental’s Award for painting” in newspaper “Saldus Zeme”, Mar 2011, LV, EU
- 2010 17th century wall restoration work at Doma Hotel, Design magazine “Deko”, Dec 2010, p. 48, LV, EU.
- 2007 Student Gallery 3 at fineartportrait.com (maiden name: Ilza Zemite), student by M.Mattelson
- 2004 Article about exhibition “Rudens 2004”, “Forums” by Neatkariga Rita Avize, Oct 2004, p.1, LV, EU
- 2022 Plain Air drawing of Manor of Jaunauce, Jaunauces Pils permanent collection, LV,EU
- 2010 Bachelor Degree final artwork "Go? Not to go?"(2005), J.Rozentala Art and History Museum permanent collection, Saldus, LV, EU
- 2023 Yarra Valley artists exhibition "Woman" at YAVA Gallery and Arts Hub
- 2022 Yarra Valley artists exhibition "Inspirited" at YAVA Gallery & Arts Hub
- 2022 Solo exhibition "Dreamer", Kapelleru Nams, Saldus, LV, EU
- 2022 Moonbeam Bright, Victorian Latvian artists' exhibition, Melbourne Latvian House, VIC
- 2021 Dindi Open Studios, funded by FRRR (Foundation for Regional and Rural Renewal), Kinglake Ranges, VIC
- 2021 Marysville Art Show, Marysville, VIC
- 2021 Kinglake Creatives Gift Shop, Kinglake, VIC
- 2021 Kinglake Art Show, online exhibition, Kinglake, VIC
- 2021 Light and Shadow, Mayoral Art Exhibition, Melbourne, VIC
- 2020 The Lester Prize for Portraiture, Salon des Refuses, Art Gallery WA, Perth, WA
- 2020 Drummoyne Art Prize (Online Exhibition), Sydney, NSW
- 2019 The Linden Postcard Show 2019, Linden New Art Gallery, St.Kilda, VIC
- 2019 The Lester Prize - Salon Des Refuses, Art Gallery WA, Perth, WA
- 2019 The Dean Cogle Portrait Prize 2019, Dust Temple, Gold Coast, QLD
- 2018 Kinglake Art Show, Kinglake, VIC
- 2017 Murals at Hurstbridge Learning Coop, Hurstbridge, VIC
- 2017 Small Art Prize, Brunswick Street Gallery, Melbourne, VIC
- 2017 RESPECT - A Queer Affair, Brunswick Street Gallery, Melbourne, VIC
- 2016 Solo-show, Sunshine Thai Restaurant, Coolangatta, QLD
- 2015 Border Art Prize, Art Centre of Gold Coast, Gold Coast, QLD
- 2015 Maverics Hair and Art Space, Coolangatta, QLD
- 2015 Solo-show, Bimbi Delux, Tweed Heads, NSW
- 2014 Solo-show LUCY, Ground Control Coffee, Tweed Heads, NSW
- 2014 Escape Art Gallery, Murwillumbah, NSW
- 2014 Border Art Prize, Tweed River Art Gallery, Murwillumbah, NSW
- 2011 Artwork of the Year, A Suna Gallery, Riga, LV, EU
- 2010 Artwork of the Year, A Suna Gallery, Riga, LV, EU
- 2010 Latvian and Lithuanian Art Teachers Exhibition, Kapeller Nams, Saldus, LV
- 2010 Our Small Friends, A Suna Gallery, Riga, LV, EU
- 2008 Artwork of the Year, A Suna Gallery, Riga, LV, EU
- 2008 Class of New Reality: Figurative Painting from Art Academy of Latvia, 10 Year Anniversary Exhibition, 1st Floor Gallery, Riga, LV, EU
- 2007 Artwork of the Year, A Suna Gallery, Riga, LV, EU
- 2006 Artwork of the Year, A Suna Gallery, Riga, LV, EU
- 2007 Jarmarka, Art Academy of Latvia, Exhibition Hall, Riga, LV, EU * 2006 Prof. Indulis Zarins Painting Study Scholarship, Bastejs Gallery, Riga, LV, EU
- 2006 Jarmarka, Art Academy of Latvia, Exhibition Hall, Riga, LV, EU * 2006 Brederlo; Fon Zengbus Scholarship, House of Mencendorf, Riga, LV, EU
- 2005 Portrait, Gallery Maja, Liepaja, LV, EU
- 2005 In the Sign of Taurus, Andaluzijas Suns, Riga, LV, EU
- 2005 Prof. Induis Zarins Painting Study Scholarship, Art Gallery Bastejs, Riga, LV
- 2005 Vision. Mission, Art Garden Gallery, Riga, LV, EU
- 2005 Earth. Air. Water, V.E.F. Culture House, Riga, LV, EU
- 2004 Jarmarka, Art Academy of Latvia, Exhibition Hall, Riga, LV, EU * 2004 Message on Postcard, Art Gallery Bastejs, Riga, LV, EU
- 2004 Fall 2004, Exhibition Hall Arsenals, Riga, LV, EU
- 2003 Fall 2003; Private Space, Exhibition Hall Arsenals, Riga, LV, EU
- 2003 We At This Time, Art Gallery Skunis, Saldus, LV, EU
- 2003 To See Creation…, Church of St. John, Riga, LV, EU